What do we believe?
The statement of beliefs that follow reflect what the Seventh-Day Adventist church in general and the Journey Fellowship Church in particular believe a part of following Jesus as He leads can be summarized as:
We believe God....
Saves us through the life, death and resurrection of His Son, Jesus.
SalvationGives us rest as a gift because He has finished his work as creator and as redeemer. Every seventh day we celebrate God's gift by resting in His finished work.
SabbathAllows us to rest in death like a sleep in an unconscious state. Those who die await the voice of Christ to wake them up to meet Him.
State of the deadPromises to return soon for His people when He will resurrect the dead in Christ and take us to live with Him forever.
Second comingMinisters on our behalf in heaven, interceding on our behalf and preparing a place for us there.
SanctuaryLives in us through the power of His Holy Spirit, who leads us to a ever deepening knowledge of God, empowers us to live godly lives, and gives us gifts to serve God and others.
Spirit of God.